

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blurry lines continued...

Well, I picked him up because he asked me to do so yesterday morning. . He didn't want to have to miss so much game time today because walking home takes so long. Apparently computer time won over social time. Unfortunately, this is not unusual for him.

I arrived yesterday afternoon right on time and sat in the appropriate car line. I waited and waited and waited, but no Hunter. I tried to call him, but his phone was not on, once again. Finally, I figured he must have decided to walk home, so I drove around the school building to leave, and guess who I saw!! I saw Hunter standing in the 6th grade pick up line. He is in 7th grade!

He was jumping around and talking to one of his teachers from last year . The funny thing was that she looked as confused as me as to why he was there. Finally, he got in the car looking completely frustrated with me because it took me so long. Again, deep breathing began, as I asked him why his phone wasn't on and why he was in the 6th grade area instead of the 7th. He just mumbled how mean I was to him and told me there is no 7th grade area...what!!!! Again, deep breathing.

At drop off this morning, I reminded him to walk to the crosswalk to cross traffic, and he rolled his eyes and said, "You have told me over and over!!" HAHAHAHAHA I also reminded him to turn on his phone as soon as school lets out and to meet me in the 7th grade area. He got out of the car, shut the door, and then reopened it to ask, "So I should turn my phone on right after school?" What???!!!!

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